Friday, 7 March 2008

At a loose end

Its been a month since I handed in my novel and you'd think I'd be chilling out, enjoying the freedom of all this spare time.

To be honest, the plans to have no plans never really came to anything. The moment I put away my laptop I zoomed off to Portugal and France with work. And now we're moving house - with three travel sick pets in tow - not exactly taking it easy.

But still, I find myself itching to start the next novel. Life without a my 'imaginary friends' feels directionless. One dimensional.

Maybe its because I know that, career wise, I don't want to be doing what I'm doing now for the rest of my life - I want to be sitting at my kitchen table in my pajamas, writing novels with my dog at my feet. It's as if I can't sit still until I get there!

Meanwhile, the feedback from my agent on novel 1 has been positive and out of the 5 top flight editors he sent 3 sample chapters too - 3 have now requested the full manuscript! Whoopeeee! Another reason to have ants in my pants.


CL Taylor said...

Jude that's BRILLIANT. How exciting! :o) Oooh, I've got everything crossed for you.

Jenny Beattie said...

Wow, Jude, fab news. Well done.

Lane Mathias said...

I want to be sitting at my kitchen table in my pajamas, writing novels with my dog at my feet.

You and me both!

Great news! I'm looking forward to hearing it's been snapped up soon:-)

Caroline said...

Fab news! fingers crossed for you.

Karen said...

That's so exciting. Sigh. I want an excited agent too. I suppose I'd better Get On With It !

Sarah*G* said...

Brilliant news! Hope one snaps it up asap or even better a bidding war?!

Lil said...

Good for you Jude, I'll keep everything crossed for you xx

Unknown said...

Awsome news......

CL Taylor said...

Any news yet?

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Cor, that sounds fab! Have you started #2 yet?

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Lucy Diamond said...

Hope all is going've left us on such a cliffhanger! Any news??

Nguyen said...

Happy new year!!! ^^

Kamen said...

Life is the childhood of our immortality
